The Surprisingly Important Role That "Infatuation" Plays In Relationships With Men...

Men don't choose women based on logical reasons.  

He falls for the one who makes him feel the deep emotion of infatuation.

Here's how to activate his "Infatuation" Instinct...

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Why Men Tend To 'Flip Flop' With Love... 

…and why they often have one foot out the door even when they say they’re committed!

The 3 Things Women Do So They’re Always “In Control” With Men... 

Discover what compels the men in their lives to chase them, obsess over them, and become desperate to “lock them down”…

The “Halo Effect” Some Women Have Over Men... 

This makes men idealize them and overlook or explain away all their flaws…

The Crucial Link Between UNCERTAINTY And Infatuation… 

…and why having too much control in a relationship makes a man feel suffocated and uncertain.

The "Investment" Effect And Why It's So Important... 

Find out why doing too much for a man makes it impossible for him to feel infatuated – and why a woman must get him to put in effort in order if she wants him to feel the powerful emotions of infatuation…

Discover The KEY Role That Curiosity Plays... 

This makes a man obsess about a woman when she’s not around… and it’s a CRUCIAL factor that makes him fall for her!

How To Activate His "Infatuation" Instinct...

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How To Speak A Man’s Language And Why It Matters

The thing about men is they don’t always know how to articulate what they want in their woman.

Most men weren’t exactly taught how to express their feelings while growing up, especially in many western cultures.
And this leads to all sorts of misunderstandings and unfulfilled expectations, which can put a big wedge between both parties... And sometimes leads to an unnecessary break up.

Yet, there IS an effective way to ensure this does not happen, because men are desperate for a woman who speaks his language...

When Holly met Colin 3 years ago, she thought they were perfect for each other.

They had the same sense of humor and enjoyed the same movies and TV shows. They both wanted to start a family in the next few years.

They even had the same favorite childhood book — The Velveteen Rabbit — a sweet coincidence he often mentioned when people asked about their relationship.

So when he suddenly ended things one rainy October day, she was completely blindsided.
“I don’t understand what happened,” she said“

He once told me that he’d made a list when he was younger of all the things he wanted in a partner and that I’d checked off every last one.

And just last month, he was talking about taking singing lessons so he could serenade me at our wedding.”

Unfortunately, Holly’s story is all too common.

According to dating and relationship expert Clayton Max, it’s not unusual for a man to pull away from a woman who seems perfect for him.

“What most women don’t realize,” Max said...

“ it doesn’t matter how good a woman is for a man ‘on paper’.

She could check every box on his list, and he’ll still panic when it comes to taking the relationship deeper.”

That’s because despite priding themselves on how logical and rational they are, Max says, “Men don’t choose a woman based on who’s the best logical choice for them. Instead, they choose the woman who makes them FEEL certain things.”

What things?

According to Max, men are naturally more scared of commitment than women are, but their brains also come pre-wired with a mechanism that overrides this fear with the right woman.

This mechanism is called the Infatuation Instinct, and when it’s activated, it shuts down the part of his brain that feels resistant to commitment...

Suddenly his feelings of doubt disappear, he feels sure about the woman, and he’s willing to move mountains to be with her.

When choosing between a woman who makes sense for him and one who’s triggered his primal infatuation instinct, men will choose the one who’s triggered his infatuation instinct every single time.

You see, if a man doesn’t feel ABSOLUTELY SURE, it boils down to just one reason:

And although he likely won’t admit it is because he secretly suspects there might be someone better out there for him.

He may not know why.

He just has this nagging feeling that his current situation and relationship is not quite right.

And no matter how perfect a girl may seem logically”…

No amount of reasoning with him will convince him that she is definitely the right long term option.

According to a paper published in “Archives of Intimate Behavior” in 2014 by a team of researchers led by Dr. Helen Fischer… who said…

“This passion is involuntary and uncontrollable” And creates an “inability to feel romantic passion for more than one person at a time”…

The only surefire way of getting a man to commit with his whole heart, so he’s sure a woman is the ONE for him is to activate his infatuation instinct.

A man’s infatuation instinct is turned on by specific qualities in a woman.

Things like curiosity, boundaries, and uncertainty, which stir a sense of excitement and a desire to chase a worthy prize. 

While many women will try to show a man how devoted they are to him in the hope that this will make him feel safe enough to open his heart…

…this more often than not just adds to the pressure he feels, since at this stage, he’s more afraid of losing his freedom than losing her.

And that is not what anyone wants…

Learning the language of love for men can be an incredible way to create a more intimate and passionate kind of love…

If that sounds like fun?

Click the link below to see an eye-opening new video where relationship expert, Clayton Max, shows exactly how to activate his "Infatuation" Instinct...

How To Activate His "Infatuation" Instinct...

Click Here To Learn More